Everything You Need to Know Before Working As a Rural GP Locum

Chris Tsolakis • January 30, 2023

Who is a Rural GP Locum? A rural locum GP General Practitioner is a doctor who temporarily fulfil the duties of a regular doctor within a rural community practice or hospital. This terminology is usually ascribed to a medical doctor in rural areas.


Working as a Rural GP Locum is a great way to experience medicine in a different setting, all while seeing different parts of Australia, network with colleagues alike, and of course earing higher rates. So whether your looking for a change of pace or just wanting a great experiences, this could be exactly what the doctor ordered!

How Can I Become a Rural GP?

There are a few ways to qualify as Rural GP. The National Rural Generalist Pathway provides basic training and can fast-track development in becoming a rural generalist. It highlights the extra requirements and skills of rural generalists. It then helps them to meet the diverse health needs of regional, rural and remote Australians.


The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is the professional home of Rural Generalist Medicine. The ACRRM Fellowship (FACRRM) is developed to represent the professional standards for distinction in Rural Generalist practice.


The ACRRM and RACGP both offer a Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP).

The Place of a Rural GP Locum Program (RGPLP)

A rural GP locum program assists General practitioners in recruiting other new locums to provide medical assistance in rural areas. In rural environments where physicians are very few, a GP locum can be recruited to provide vacation relief and continued medical education.

What Extra Qualifications or Skills Do I Need to Work As a Rural GP?

You require an ALS2 Certificate and must possess the ability to work independently. This is because General practice doctors work independently of each other, unlike in hospital specialities, where doctors provide care in teams.


There are also opportunities for city GP’s wanting to work in rural practice. If this is something you are interested in, we have opportunities to assist your transition to rural practice. 

What Benefits Do I Enjoy While Working As a Rural GP Locum?

Locum rates for GPs are commonly higher in rural areas than in urban and regional centres. The scope of work is wider, and you have the opportunity to provide services in a range of settings such as;

  • Home
  • Hospital
  • Medical Centre
  • Ambulatory Care
  • Retrieval
  • Long-term residential facilities


Compared to their city counterparts, work satisfaction is a lot higher amongst rural GP’s. Doctors who practice medicine in rural and remote regions, are often also exposed to different enriching cultural experiences that just can’t be found in urban cities. 

5 Steps to Consider Before Starting As a Rural GP Locum

Here are 5 steps that will set you on the right path to becoming a rural GP locum. 

1. Choose Where You Want to Work 

One major advantage of being a locum GP is flexibility. You can pick and choose where you want to work, how long for, and whenever it suits you! Different locations offer different benefits and experiences. General Practitioners who are seeking locum work are usually able to find positions on multiple job boards. However, the best way is to contact a reputable Medical Locum Agency who can advise and offer you the best opportunities based on what you need to achieve and to maximise your experience as a Rural GP Locum.


2. Ask the Right Questions

There are different types of Locum GP positions so it’s important you have all the information before committing to a locum contract. This is an essential step, so you know the details of the role and what is expected of you. It is also important to know if you are for example, the solo GP in a rural private practice or if you have appropriate assistance if covering a small rural emergency department after hours? You should also know what that roster looks like. In addition, you want to be assured your accommodation, flights, and car hire are suitable and all in place. Make sure to ask the right questions so you can have a great experience. A reputable medical locum agency will provide you with all this information as this is what they do day-in and day-out so you don’t have too.

3. Choose a Great Agency

Choosing the right agency makes a big difference not just to your overall experience but the positions they recommend for you. Experienced medical recruiters understand what you are looking and will present you with the most suitable positions based on your individual situation. They have access to top tier positions and have streamlined administration process in place making the necessary paperwork easy and seamless. They have highly trained professionals who are the experts in this field and will be your dedicated partner to you for the long term.

 4. Sign A Contract 

Like any other job, it’s vital to have an agreement in place before you begin. It is essential you know the job description as well as dates, hours, rates, and allowances including accommodation, flights, and car hire etc in writing so both parties are on the page and crystal clear regarding all aspects of the locum placement. As these are short term contracts, it will give you peace of mind during and once the Locum placement has finished.

5. Attend Your Orientation

A great locum position should come with the proper orientation and software training - if unfamiliar with the practice systems. An orientation program will give you an overview of the practice and/or department you will be working in, their protocols, reporting systems, access to pharmaceuticals, billing system, fire safety, etc . You will also meet with the other doctors and connect with staff you will be working with. Understanding what to expect is pivotal to have a successful first day.


Becoming a Rural GP locum is one of the most an exciting and rewarding careers as a doctor. There are several ways to qualify as a Rural GP or Rural Generalist in line with your current situation. It is essential to partner with a reputable locum agency to help you uncover the best Locum GP positions, negotiate the best rates and conditions, and look after the necessary paperwork, travel, and accommodation for you.


Are you ready to start your journey to becoming a locum doctor? Register here to get notified of the latest available locum positions for you. 

March 13, 2025
UK-based psychiatrists now have an exciting opportunity to fast-track their career in Australia through a new Expedited Specialist Pathway, designed to reduce barriers and help internationally trained specialists transition seamlessly into the Australian healthcare system. Medipeople is on hand to secure your job in Australia and guide you through the registration, visa and relocation process. From 23 December 2024, psychiatrists with UK qualifications will be able to apply directly for specialist registration with Ahpra (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and the Medical Board of Australia, enabling them to begin practicing sooner and contribute their expertise to Australian patients. Eligibility for Psychiatrists UK psychiatrists are eligible if they hold the following qualifications: Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Psychiatry Awarded under an approved RCPsych curriculum (from August 2007 onwards) after satisfactory completion of a GMC- or Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board-approved psychiatry training program in the UK. This pathway allows highly skilled psychiatrists to transition quickly into Australia's healthcare workforce, ensuring access to critical mental health services for patients across the country. Why Consider Australia? Australia offers: A world-class healthcare system with excellent professional development opportunities. Competitive remuneration packages and benefits. The chance to live and work in vibrant cities or picturesque regional areas, with a lifestyle renowned for its balance of work, leisure, and outdoor living. The Application Process The Expedited Specialist Pathway builds on the success of the October launch for general practitioners, which saw 96 UK-based GPs apply within two months, with 80% of applicants already progressing through the system. Similar efficiency is anticipated for psychiatrists, making this pathway a reliable and attractive option.  What’s Next? The Expedited Specialist Pathway will soon expand to include other specialties such as general medicine, general paediatrics, and diagnostic radiology, providing more opportunities for UK specialists to join the Australian medical workforce. This initiative reflects the commitment to making it easier for professionals from comparable healthcare systems, such as the UK, to relocate and practice in Australia. Start your journey today and be part of a healthcare system that values your expertise. Applications open 23 December 2024.
By Chris Tsolakis March 5, 2025
AHPRA has launched the Fast-Track Specialist Pathway , providing a streamlined process for internationally qualified GPs and other medical specialists to obtain specialist registration in Australia. This new pathway is significantly faster and more cost-effective than traditional routes, reducing the time to start practicing in Australia from 12 months to approximately 4–6 months.  At Medipeople, we are actively supporting GPs through this new process and ensuring smooth transitions into high-quality medical positions across Australia. Latest Updates March 2025 – Key Highlights & First Approvals The first successful Fast-Track application was approved in December 2024 after a two-month processing period, setting a promising precedent for future applicants. GPs must still complete visa and Medicare provider number processing before starting work. As more applications are processed, the timeline and requirements are expected to become even more efficient. Eligibility Criteria & Accepted Qualifications This pathway is currently open to GPs with qualifications from the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand, including: MRCGP + CCT (UK) – from 2007 onwards MICGP + CSCST (Ireland) – from 2009 onwards FRNZCGP (New Zealand) – from 2012 onwards Additional specialties such as anaesthetics, obstetrics, and psychiatry are expected to be added in December 2024. How the Fast-Track AHPRA Pathway Works Key Steps in the Application Process: Specialist Registration (With Conditions) – Bypass the RACGP assessment and apply directly to the Medical Board of Australia. Supervised Practice (6 Months) – Includes orientation, cultural safety training, and workplace-based assessments. Workplace-Based Assessments – Supervision reports required at 3 and 6 months. Full Specialist Registration – Following completion of supervised practice and assessments. Processing Timeframe: AHPRA assessment: 6–8 weeks Overall process (including AMC, EPIC, visa & Medicare): 4–6 months This is a significant improvement over the traditional RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway, which takes 9–12 months. Key Considerations for GPs Supervision & Job Requirements You must secure a job offer before submitting your application. A supervisor must be nominated by your employer as part of the process. The supervised practice plan is more detailed than traditional pathways, requiring specific training activities. Does This Avoid the 10-Year Moratorium? No, GPs on this pathway must work in a DPA area or secure a 19AB exemption. Exception: New Zealand medical graduates who were citizens or permanent residents on the first day of medical school are exempt from the moratorium. Next Steps: How Medipeople Can Help At Medipeople, we specialise in assisting UK, Irish, and NZ-trained GPs with navigating the Fast-Track AHPRA Pathway, securing roles in trusted, high-net-worth practices across Australia. We provide expert guidance on the AHPRA, visa, and Medicare process. We match you with top-tier GP roles in sought-after locations. We ensure seamless supervision arrangements with practices that support international GPs. Get Started Today! To find out more about how Medipeople can help you secure a fast-tracked GP role in Australia, get in touch today!
By Chris Tsolakis October 24, 2024
UK and Irish Trained GP's - an overview of an expedited specialist pathway
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